Thursday, August 20, 2009

Board member MINACLE

Susan and I were going to meet with a board member, who will remain nameless (you know who you are) and were a bit nervous about the idea considering his "doctor" status...okay, you really know who you are now. We were attempting to convince a physician to join the board of an innovative therapy center, and make him realize that we were sincere, the programs for which we were interested were legitimate, etc. I can't remember if Susan received the package in the mail the same day or decided to take a look inside, either way, she found a couple of articles about one of the programs for which we wanted to pursue. She brought it with her and this doctor brought up wanting to have some research on the types of programs we would be offering - BOOM, there it was, Susan pulled out the article and ...ready, MINACLE HERE...the author of the article was a former colleague, in fact, former instructor to this doctor, someone he admired and, what a minacle that Susan should bring this article on this day to this meeting. After reviewing the info and talking to us, this Board member is now happily on our board!

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